Our firm has extensive experience with audits, reviews and compilations of financial statements for churches, private Christian schools and other ministry organizations. Organizations typically/utilize these services to assist board governance, with managing operations and to meet organizational goals. Many organizations are required to obtain an audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards or present financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting standards as part of their corporate bylaws. Finally, these engagements are often required by lending covenants. Our firm is strategically situated to meet these needs no matter what the reason may be.
To assist in governance and management, upon completion of an audit, we present a letter to the board and to management which lists deficiencies in controls as well as other recommendations for improvements that we may note during our audit work.
“Agreed upon procedures” is another area that we have experience with. These engagements involve the organization and the CPA working together to determine what specific areas the organization would like to test. The result is a written report to management of findings and recommendations for improvements to the processes.
We are also experienced with the completion of non-profit informational returns (Form 990) and unrelated business income tax (UBIT) forms (Form 990-T).